Hungover-it Skate Video Premiere Sun. Oct 2nd

Come out and watch the new “Hungover-It” skate video presented by Bill’s Wheels Skateshop and SBK. 2 plus years in the making and it’s finally done!

The premiere will be at the downtown Fox Theatre in Salinas

Fox Theatre

241 S. Main St.
Salinas, CA

FREE admission! All ages! Refreshments for 21+ will be available for PURCHASE.

DVDs will also be sold at the premiere for $10 a piece.

Doors open 5PM Video starts 6PM

Video Featuring:
Andrew Nelson, Zarosh Eggleston, Seth Faulkner, Calvin Luu, Jared Fiorovich, Sean Schiveley, Jeremy Boucher, Johnny Voskuyl, Nathan Knox Forson, Henry Hughes, Joe Zavala, Nate Sweeters, Sam May, Jesse Santoyo and MORE!

RVSP to the Facebook Event! Need Directions?

DVD’s will be available after the premiere for $10


Andrew Nelson – Crooks (SF, CA)

Jeremy Boucher – Ollie over fence and gap (SF, CA)

Nathan Knox Forson – Frontnose (SF, CA)

Jared Fiorovich – Crook Polejam (Santa Cruz, CA)

Jared Fiorovich – Frontside 180 over rail into bank (Eastbay, CA)

Johnny Voskuyl – Hungover-it (SF, CA)


